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This is not your typical professional development workshop. Teachers can be a tough audience because they are not used to sitting all day and listening! This workshop will surprise your audience because the time will literally fly.


Kelley's workshops involve plenty of interaction, collaboration and movement. By practicing what she preaches, Kelley paces the workshop to keep participants alert and engaged. Lecture portions are enhanced through the use of multi-media and frequent opportunities for dyad and triad discussion and processing. Participants will regularly take part in activities that model effective strategies that can be immediately applied at the school and classroom levels. Workshop content is customized to be suitable for educators at all levels, K-12, and in both single-gender and coed settings.


By the end of the workshop, educators will be pumped up, empowered, and over-flowing with the most effective strategies to immediately improve the engagement and achievement of boys (and girls!).


Some key learning objectives include:

*Analyze and discuss data regarding boys' achievement in K-12 school, higher ed, and beyond;

*Explore attitudes, knowledge and beliefs about boys and education;

*Understand key male/female brain differences that influence boys' behavior and learning;

*Acquire practical strategies that can be immediately implemented to increase achievement and engagement, while decreasing behavior problems, across all content areas; and,

*Develop a classroom and/or school Action Plan to ensure a high-level of implementation.​


Interested in sustaining your professional development initiative beyond the 1 or 2 day workshop? Kelley can provide follow-up support in the form of before/after school follow-up workshops, classroom observations/feedback, one-on-one coaching, and team/department coaching. Additionally, Kelley can provide administrative support to principals and coaches in the areas of data-analysis, school improvement planning,  and the development of an in-house cadre of trainers.


Don't have full days available for professional development or the budget to bring Kelley to your school? Kelley can facilitate shorter PD sessions through a real-time Webinar!


professional development workshop

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